
YouTube, Twitter and Facebook updates adds to the viewers who come on via word-of-mouth, which is he says, is the only way the show will last. “I can’t be as good [as I was before]. I have to be better,” he asserts. “I can’t have as much support [as I had before], I’ve got to have more.”

When Hall walked away in 1994, he simply got tired of the race. He admits to having stiffer competition this time around (even though Letterman is retiring next year). “I don’t know if I can make this work. It’s much more crowded now than when I left,” he says.

Regardless of how crowded the late night stage has become, Hall hasn’t lost his lust for the process. Being with the live audience still excites him.

“That’s the spirit of the show,” he says. “That unconditional joy that moves your soul.”

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