
We’re not the only ones done with Donna either. She ends up moving in with her boyfriend Mo, who seems reluctant to the idea. Her claim is that the 52-year-old woman she’s been staying with just “turned out to be f*cking psycho.” She tells him that the woman changed the locks on her, so she “had” to break her window from the outside and climb in. She also says that she’s been paying her rent on time, in cash. We want to see receipts, Donna! Because we already know you’re not the best tenant, Sky would agree. And she’s your friend.

Kit ends up having to defend herself against Sky for her $10,000 mistake. She points out that her miscalculation isn’t what made Mel quit, and that it was the accusations from Donna that landed them with no manager for 113th. But Sky isn’t hearing her, instead she goes in on Kit for being Ceaser’s plaything and ol’ girl just ends up walking out. Good idea. Because Sky can go from playing to hooking in less than a minute if she’s worked up.

Kevin Leroy reveals that he’s never officially come out to his father about his homosexuality. He says that after finding a love letter addressed to him from another man, years before, his dad flippantly said, “We ain’t doing that.” And that was the end of story. Still, after a number of years, Kev felt that it was necessary to be clear with his dad about his sexual preference during his next visit to NYC. After a bit of palpable tension, his father reassures him that his love is unconditional regardless of Kevin’s life choices.

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