
Linda Fairstein, the Manhattan prosecutor who oversaw the case, states in her lawsuit that Ava DuVernay limited series painted her as a villainous figure.


It’s not what you walk away from but what you walk away with. After being through one of the biggest injustices in American history one of the Central Park Five is glowing up.


President Donald Trump was a harsh critic of the so-called Central Park Five, five teens who were accused of a heinous attack on a jogger in Central Park 30 years ago. Despite evidence clearing the men of the crime and an admission of guilt from the man who carried out the act, Trump refuses to […]


Elizabeth Lederer, who along with Linda Fairstein prosecuted the infamous “Central Park Five” case in New York, has been forced to resign from her position as a Columbia Law School professor. Like Fairstein, Lederer faced heavy criticism in the wake of Ava DuVernay’s When They See Us Netflix series that focused on the Exonerated Five […]


The L’s keep coming, and they’re way past due. Linda Fairstein, infamous for prosecuting the now-exonerated Central Park 5, has been dropped by her publisher.


The Central Park Five, five Black youth who were falsely accused in the case Central Park jogger rape case in 1989, will be the focus of a new docu-series from Ava DuVernay. As the famed director has done in the past, DuVernay is partnering with Netflix to bring the limited series to life.