
When Netflix premiered it’s docu-series Making A Murderer back in December of 2015 it set social media ablaze with viewers trying to crack the case of the murder of Teresa Halbach for which – thanks to some shady police work – Steven Avery and his seemingly slow nephew Branden Dassey are currently imprisoned for.


What a difference a year makes. Unfortunate co-star of Making A Murder Brendan Dassey has been ordered to be freed from prison immediately.


Brendan Dassey, the teenager who was railroaded by the justice system in the Netflix documentary Making A Murder, has been ordered to be released from prison.


Making A Murderer was a docu-series that was masterful at pulling the strings of viewers emotions, and irate at the justice system. So it should be no surprise that it will be returning with more episodes to Netflix. 

News, Wired Tracks

By now you may have heard about Netflix’s Making A Murderer, which follows the suspect Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Department’s investigations of Steven Avery and his nephew Brendan Dassey for the murder of photographer Teresa Halbach. One of Dassey’s brothers has released a rap song claiming his brother’s innocence titled “They Didn’t Do It,” naturally.