
With the campaign season kicking into high gear, President Donald Trump is once again on the road rallying the stupid with more of his awful political takes and racist stances. At a rally for the Bloated Blunder in Cincinnati, an alleged Trump supporter punched an elderly white man and was promptly arrested.


The parents of Trayvon Martin, will make the two month anniversary of their son’s death with a massive rally to be held in Los Angeles Thursday (April 26). Coordinated by the NAACP, the National Action Network, Empowerment Movement, and the Rainbow Push Coalition, the Justice for Trayvon Martin Foundation Los Angeles Rally will be held […]

News, Politics

The furor surrounding the slaying of 17-year old Trayvon Martin in a gated Florida suburb shows no signs of calming down any time soon. Many high profile media personalities have voiced outrage over the case and have called for the arrest of Neighborhood Watch volunteer George Zimmerman. The latest voice to join the cry is […]


Black America is in a state of emergency and it has come to a point where violence has escalated to an alarming rate and the youth seem to have lost a sense of direction which has only resulted in casualties. A stand is being made by Rev. Al Sharpton as he will be pairing up […]

obama, Politics

Since the the town-hall debates on health care reform have taken a violent turn, some opponents have gone as far as to carry weapons while demonstrating. Perhaps the most disturbing fact, it’s legal. The most recent event occurred Monday when demonstrators outside Obama’s speech to veterans in Phoenix, Arizona brandished their unconcealed weapons. This was […]