
Technology industry news, commentary and analysis, with reporting on big tech, startups, social media, apps, and internet culture.


Palm the brand behind PDA’s (personal data assistants) that were all the rage in the 90s is back from the dead. The company unveiled its tiny new assistant to the world.


Sony basically quelled all PlayStation 4 owners fears today about a messaging bug that was allegedly “bricking” consoles. 


These nerds are seriously bored. Over the weekend PlayStation 4 owners are saying a text-message based hack is bricking their consoles forcing them to do a factory reset. 


Before there was Amazon, there was Sears, which was the blueprint for the business model Jeff Bezos is benefitting greatly from. Ironically, the iconic retail chain is now on life support thanks to the booming E-commerce business it paved the way for.


Sony is really listening. First, they shocked gamers by announcing cross-play with other systems, and now one of the biggest requests PlayStation owners have been screaming for is finally happening. You will finally be able to change that awful PSN user ID you have been stuck with for years.


The social ghost town that is Google+ is finally being shut down by Google but only after it was revealed a massive data breach that exposed users personal data hit the social media service.


Nav is letting it known that when it comes to Fortnite, no other rapper can see him in the virtual streets and he wants all the smoke. So much, in fact, he is willing to put his money where his mouth is.


Ubisoft’s uber-popular game franchise Assassin’s Creed faced a huge issue, it was growing stale with fans. Acknowledging that glaring problem, the studio decided to take some time off and rethink things with the game and came back strong with 2017’s Assassin’s Creed Origins taking players to Ancient Egypt and switching up the game’s style a […]


We can mute the tangerine menace that is our “President” Donald Trump on Twitter and Instagram but thanks to a new alert system he will be contacting you directly.


If you get jammed up by the feds, can they use your face to unlock your phone? An Ohio man found that yes they most certainly can.


Apple customers are currently enjoying their new iPhones, but keeping them fully charged might be a problem due to a glaring issue discovered with them.


Rockstar Games promised another in-depth look at their ambitious western game Red Dead Redemption 2, and they delivered today with a second gameplay trailer.