
The reports of New Orleans resembling a third world country in the wake of Hurricane Katrina sent shockwaves through the “wealthiest” nation in the world. Tales of people being murdered due to racial tensions, patients given lethal injection while staying in hospitals, and all around dastardly treatment flooded news outlets alerting the world of the […]


Just hours after former President Bill Clinton exchanged words with North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, the two imprisoned journalists who were sentenced to 12 years in a labor prison for border trespassing. “They are en route to Los Angeles, where Laura and Euna will be reunited with their families,” spokesman Matt McKenna said in […]


Does it ever stop?! North Korea is back in the news again! This time, North Korea is suspected of trying to disable and hack into the White House and other U.S. intelligent websites. Also cyber attacked were eleven South Korean websites. According to South Korea’s spy agency the National Intelligence Service, “An organization and possibly […]


North Korea wants to “wipe out” the United States once and for all. North Korea is getting bold and threatening to take the U.S. to war. According to the Associated Press, Korea is accusing the U.S. government of trying to “provoke a second Korean war.” North Korea warned the U.S. to back off Wednesday after […]