
Flaherty showed his disapproval for Cam’s slight at the bowling event and the basketball signing by changing Cam’s parking spot to a handicapped spot! This led to a hilarious exchange between Cam and a Nigerian security guard where cultural differences in opposition to laws made for some good TV. Anyone with parents or family from other countries can relate 100%. Cam furious with this decision, drives to Reggie’s house to demand that he gets the situation fixed. The conversation between Reggie and Flaherty was less than amicable. Flaherty was pissed with Cam insinuating that he was dedicated to impoverished servitude with the team. He told Reggie to make sure Cam was at the Mandela event. Cam of course refused, said “Fuck Mandela (?!)” and stayed home to play FIFA on XBOX 1 (sounds like an acceptable #WashedFridays activity to me). Reggie and the family went to the event in his place, much to the dismay of Cam.

Flaherty, fed up with Cam’s disrespect, went to Cam’s house to confront him on his Mandela event no-show. Cam explains over and over that he’s a Grown Ass Man and doesn’t want to be treated, or spoken to like a child. Flaherty explains to Cam that those charity events show the season ticket holders and investors that they care. Cam doesn’t get paid if people won’t buy into the team. Flaherty also wants to expose Cam to people who can help expand his brand aside from basketball. He dressed in a dashiki not because he wanted to, but because he was asked by the sponsors to do so. Cam can’t take every action by him as an act of disrespect!

Flaherty agrees that he can abide by some requests, but the ultimate decision to attend would be Cam’s. Cam ends up attending the event and Flaherty was pleased, while being apologetic for the lack of oversight with the Mandela event coordination which led to this:

This season started off tense, so let’s see what trouble Cam and the family get into next week!

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