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The lives of two young Black teens has forever been altered with neither being for the better. Nnonso Ekwegbalu has revealed himself to be the mysterious gunman that cut short the promising life of 13-year-old Kevin Miller as he departed from an area where a fight was taking place. “We do have an arrest of […]


Tyler Perry, the successful playwright, actor and writer is revealing to fans a tightly hidden secret from his childhood. His upcoming movie Precious co-produced by Oprah tells the story of a teenager that survives sexual, verbal and physical abuse. Now Perry’s revealed in an email to his fans that he endured a similar situation when […]

NFL, Politics

Fans of the St. Louis Rams would do well to batten down their hatches as a gust of change is headed their way, and if public opinion still counts for anything, it is more than likely going to be one that most will not like. Admitted racist, bigot, drug-addict, right-wing fringe dweller, and all around […]


As a southerner, I vigorously defend my part of the nation and our culture against anyone that would speak ill of it. Having said that, Herman Thomas is not a person that should be endorsed. The 48-year-old former circuit judge has formally been accused of having sex with several male inmates within Alabama’s prison sentence […]


To say that police brutality has been a problem would this year would be one of the most gigantic understatements of the year. Under the guise of protecting the public, actions by officer of the law have grown increasingly gang-like, which is why no one should be surprised to learn of this next incident. Officials […]

NAACP, Politics

The violence that befell Tasha Hill at a Georgia Cracker Barrel have ignited the flames of change nationally as outside forces are taking actions to make sure that hatred, intolerance, and bigotry are “officially” outlawed in public. Known for its specific brand of injustice, Cracker Barrel has been a hotbed for racially motivated incidents, with […]

When asked what her favorite book was girl I knew in school once said, “Books be wack yo”. It’s the kind of statement that would make Bill Cosby’s heart skip a beat, but the fact is many people are not excited about reading. Enter the Vook. It is what it sounds like. The Vook’s makers […]

HIV, Politics

The Female Health Company (FHC) announced that its second-generation FC2 Female Condom® is now available for purchase in the United States. The condom received regulatory approval from the Food and Drug Administration in March as an HIV prevention method. The new condoms will be 30% cheaper than its predecessor and are supposed to be more […]

obama, Politics

For anyone looking to bask in the celebratory ambiance while catch a breeze from Lake Michigan, there is always next year, figuratively speaking anyway. Delegation from Chicago threw everything they had into the effort to elevate their city to a national level that it has never achieved by bringing the 2016 Olympic games to the […]


As previously reported, the murder of Mark Anthony Barmore left an Illinois town is shock, as unlike man murders before, those that were assigned to protect were actually at fault. Mere weeks after the initial incident, the Department of Justice has decided to investigate the case after conflicting stories between eye witnesses and local law […]

obama, Politics

Congressman Trent Franks has been a thorn in the side of President Obama since the days leading up to his election. The Republican representative from Arizona was one of the first people to question the legitimacy of America’s first Black President, helping to kick off a movement that would eventually lead to the “Birther” phenomena […]


The White House is sending Attorney General Eric Holder to Chicago in light of the beating death of Derrion Albert. The White House was relatively mum after the video showing the brutal beating of the 16-year-old boy hit the net. White House Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs, described the video as “chilling” and said: “Though government […]