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There is no street style without Harlem. A new exhibit details the iconic neighborhood’s contribution to American style and more.


 Shout out to the Carters for their commitment to furthering the educations of Black and Brown young adults. 


Sometimes it pays to do the very least. One Subway restaurant employee says she was put on unpaid leave for fending off a would be robbery attempt.


The "Inside Drop" will be available to all ebayers across the board and will feature all kinds of grails that had you feeling blue when you got that notification that you had an "L" in your back pocket.


The titular reality television show will return for its 33rd season in October thanks to the media conglomerate dominated by Fox News.


The men in “women’s” clothing trend continues to be a thing. Last week Kid Cudi And Russell Westbrook wore skirts for New York Fashion Week.


Twitter just can't seem to get its own verification process right. The company hopes the third time will be the charm.


The latest witness for the prosecution in the federal trial of R. Kelly testified on Monday that he had begun to sexually abuse Aaliyah when she was only 13, two years earlier than many suspected.


Blueface hasn't been charged yet but police are said to be reviewing the incident and will no doubt get their hands on this video in the process.


In the Queens rapper's rant, she claimed that a friend of her cousin had issues in his private parts after taking the vaccine but the CDC says not so fast.


Taking to Twitter, the rapper and social media superstar rattled off some anti-vaccine talking points that have fans trying and failing miserably to change the Queen's mind.