News, Politics

The Salt Lake City Tribune, Utah’s biggest news paper in a heavily Mormon town, has endorsed President Obama in this year’s election, over their “adopted son” Mitt Romney. In an article published Friday (Oct. 19), the Tribune attributes their endorsement of President Obama to Romney being  “the party’s shape-shifting nominee.”

News, Politics, President Obama

Throughout his term, President Obama has dealt with racism for being Black (or half-Black as Morgan Freeman pointed out), accused of not being American, and many still think that he’s Muslim.  A national survey conducted by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life, and the Pew Research Center for the People & The […]

News, Politics

The public won’t know the result of the 2012 presidential election until November, but Spike Lee already has an idea of who will win—and it’s likely not Mitt Romney. Lee, a longtime supporter of President Obama, said in an interview with Vulture that while the race will be close, the end result will come down […]