
Tommy officially moves to his own beat, regardless of the dire circumstances. He won’t help Ghost with the Milan payment, and modifies an order from Milan to kill Father Callahan for his Albanian gun deal involvement. Milan sees Tommy as simple and insignificant, but after disciplining Tommy, he gained a twisted sense of admiration for the ingenuity of “plan B”. Tommy, after inadvertently discovering from Tasha that Holly was pregnant, has nothing to lose, and Milan sees no attachments as a blessing. This effectively saves Tommy’s life, and possibly elevates him in Milan’s master plan.

Power Season 3

The Office of Professional Responsibility has arrived to determine who leaked information about Lobos, resulting in his escape and subsequent murder. Their thorough investigation revealed transgressions both known (i.e., Knox stalking Angela, Sandoval’s familiarity with Lobos, Angela rule bending) and unknown (Cooper Saxe’s “personal” problems) to the viewing audience. The presented arguments made compelling cases against every interviewee, and the situation turns critical when they discover that Lobos was murdered.

Knox stays firm that Angela holds to key to Lobos’s death and Sandoval doubles down on that theory to absolve himself of any suspicion confirming himself as the leak. Angela’s character gets challenged, and you can see her transformation from jilted lover to prideful attorney as she refutes any allegations of collusion. Instead, Angela vehemently defends her record, her integrity, and her methods by telling investigators that James St. Patrick didn’t play her, she used him to get to Lobos.

Power Season 3

Angela could face the death penalty if implicated in the Lobos murder, so she seeks out the truth in typical Angie fashion. She confronts Tasha (again) about staying at Bassett’s hotel and being an accomplice to Lobos’s murder, and finally confronts Ghost herself. Ghost wants to fix things, but Angela has hit her breaking point, and wants the situation handled. If Angie goes down, so does Ghost.


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