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T.I., The Game & Snoop Dogg Calls For News To Fire Laura Ingraham

Source: Prince Williams / Getty

Over the weekend Conservative Becky, Laura Ingraham played herself when she issued some backhanded comments while speaking about Nipsey Hussle’s service. She was subsequently dragged on Twitter but now T.I. Snoop Dogg, The Game is uniting in the call for her to be fired.

Ingraham’s dragging for inaccurately claiming that Hussle was the crafter of YG’s anti-Trump record “FDT” that he was featured on wasn’t enough for his friends in the Hip-Hop community who are now calling for FOX News to fire her.

The Game kicked off the fire Ingraham parade calling for her termination on Instagram stating:

“So lemme tell you what’s going to happen here…. @foxnews fires this disrespectful cunt by tomorrow, Monday morning or you will lose millions of viewers one person at a time until it drastically effects your ratings, views etc,” said Game. “If our demographic doesn’t effect that we will STOP support of ALL SPONSORS immediately !!! We are NO LONGER laying quiet while you continuously disrespect our brother, culture African Americans as a whole. I will use my platform & call on my peers to do the same.”

Snoop also chimed in responding to The Game’s post simply stating “I’m in.”

T.I. who is  always vocal when it comes to matters he feels are disrespectful to culture added:

“This is Disgusting! You both are vile despicable, poor excuses for people,” he said. “My expectations have already decreased so much for mankind in the past couple weeks that this hardly surprised me… especially from @foxnews But rest assured that sooner than later you’ll BOTH see… WE ALL GET OUR TURN TO LIVE THROUGH OUR OWN PERSONAL TRAGEDY… and watch how many people dance in the streets, laugh and crack distasteful inappropriate jokes when it’s YOUR TURN!!!!”

R&B singer/songwriter Tank addressed the situation adding “Disrespecting the deceased is not news! It’s just disrespect! If this is not what @foxnews is all about we shall see!” He also shared a link to a petition calling for Ingraham’s termination that has amassed over 25,000 signatures.

“Laura made disrespectful and unprofessional comments, which included laughter regarding as she was sharing information regarding Nipsey Hussle’s passing!” reads the petition. “The best apology that could be received is for Laura to be terminated from Fox News networking channel.”

While we don’t expect FOX News to do the right thing, we see no lies with any of points the rappers brought up for her termination.

Photo: Prince Williams / Getty









