News, Video

Common releases his latest visual for his upcoming album, The Dreamer/The Believer, Available Tomorrow.  

Hip Hop may be the platform for an artist to spin their street tales to the masses, but some have come to find out that the rap money doesn’t stretch that far and there must be other means to support one’s self as they perfect their craft in music. Mos Def is an artist that […]

“We know that we want to do some raw Hip Hop.  That’s exactly the direction and feel we want, so that’s the basis of it.  ‘Ye and I definitely know we want to do some pure Hip Hop.” As an artist continues to perfect their craft, it becomes a necessity to shed their skin a […]

common, News

America has been in a state of emergency for some time as of late.  With the recession and the swine flu running rampant and leaving their marks, the country has been in a mad dash searching for some sort of order out of this madness. The same situation is present in the Black community, but […]