
Via Twitter, in the wake of a brand-new deal, Hov changed his handle to reflect his last name while dropping off some tweets and it didn't go unnoticed.


Twitter users are freaking out after the social media platform announced a pair of new features.


Well, that took entirely too long. Today (January 8), with less than two weeks left in his absolute sham of a Presidency, Twitter finally decided to ban Donald Trump from its platform.


After all of the racist and outright crazy sh*t that he has said on Twitter that many have warned would eventually lead to yesterday's bootleg coup, social media companies have said enough.


Yesterday (December 30) LeBron James turned 36 years old. Fans, friend and family across the world made sure to put heavy respect on his name on his special day.


Clubhouse is currently the wave right now, but it looks like Twitter might be coming to steal the social media apps thunder already.


On Monday (Dec 7), the soulful icon took to Twitter to dispel comments that her feisty tweets were that of a handler. After being dubbed the "queen of Twitter," Warwick sent out a special message to the "naysayers" who had something to say about her online activity.


The rapper's brand is all about being brash and outspoken, but some of the tweets are extremely over the top.


If you have been wondering when exactly you would be able to apply for your blue check on Twitter again, we have some good news for you.


The highly-anticipated clash between the Down South rivals has most on the sidelines wondering if old beef will resurface.


Twitter user @TrixieNumbaNine, who operates a phone sex line according to her profile, shared the voice note of her performing the mouth-related sex act, which had the timeline reacting.