
For many people, the start of the fall symbolizes the return to school. On the social side, historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) often possess an undeniable reputation for having the most exciting, impressive campus life one may ever experience.

Every September, thousands of African-American college freshman across the country descend upon historically Black colleges and universities to begin their college education and journey into adulthood. The plethora of student clubs and Greek organizations offered, there are plenty of opportunities to be active and have fun on campus. Most of all, HBCU parties and Homecomings are legendary–for more than a century HBCUs have existed as distinguished reminders of the excellence achieved by African-Americans in education, medicine, law, social justice and the arts, despite racial barriers–once you attend, your enjoyment will be unforgettable!

Here are the top ten historically Black colleges and universities to get a great education and get your party on at. Don’t attend one of these school? Road trip!

Photo: Getty Images

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