
A white man in Minnesota woke up feeling dumb after losing his office space for not minding his business. On Wednesday (May 28), the owners of Top Figure, a Black-owned Minneapolis-based social media and branding agency, were exercising in the gym of their co-opted professional building when they were approached by Tom Austin, the managing partner of F2 Group, who threatened to call the police on the group because he didn't feel "they belonged." The exchange, which was caught on video and posted by Top Figure to Instagram, shows Austin questioning the three men about their office location before pulling out his phone to call the police. in the caption, the men explain in further detail why the questioning was asinine pointing out that the office space requires key cards to enter any space in the building that can only be obtained by being a tenant in the building.


Black Americans are fighting two pandemics, COVID-19 and unfair policing.


An Oklahoma Black man who was doing his job was detained for more than half an hour by white men who demanded to know why he was in their neighborhood.


A Kentucky community is left looking for answers two months after police shoot and kill a Black woman in her home.


An Alabama police officer is under fire after body-slamming a woman in a local Wal-Mart for refusing to wear a mask.


Even amid a pandemic, Black Americans aren’t safe in their own communities, after a police shooting leaves an Indiana community looking for answers.


Annually, TIME magazine publishes a special issue that highlights the “Person Of The Year” which it has done since 1999. For its 100 Women Of The Year programming, the magazine lists 100 honorees, naming the founders of Black Lives Matter for the year 2013.


Waffle House is facing a lawsuit after a woman who was violently arrested at a location has decided to file a discrimination lawsuit.


Well, it looks like eating in public has been added to the long list of things that Black people can’t do in America.


Former Dallas Maverick turned Sacramento King Harrison Barnes and his wife have teamed up with Philadelphia Eagle Malik Jackson to assist with the funeral costs of Atatiana Jefferson.


The story of Atatiana Jefferson continues to develop. The Fort Worth badge who carelessly killed murdered her has been released from custody.


The white, now ex-cop, Aaron Dean, who shot and killed a Black woman, Atatiana Jefferson, has been arrested and charged with murder. Earlier in the day, the trigger happy Dean had resigned from Fort Worth PD.