GALLERY, Michael Jackson, News, PHOTO OPS, Video

Conrad Murray, the man convicted of involuntary putting Michael Jackson in his final resting place is demanding he get his license back to practice medicine.


The man accused of beating NFL star, Adrian Peterson’s two-year-old son to death has been freed on $750K bond.

News, PHOTO OPS, The List, Video

While a dose of crazy Christianity was happening down in Oklahoma, the city of Terrell, TX was just faced with the unfathomable. According to police, Charles Brownlow Jr. sent the small town into a state of panic as police went on an eight-hour manhunt just to track him down.

chris brown, News

Chris Brown isn’t out of the clear yet but his legal team is working magic to make his troubles disappear. What was originally a felony charge has now become a misdemeanor, most likely through lawyer mumbo jumbo talk.

Features, GALLERY, News, PHOTO OPS, The List

While the nation becomes galvanized in the fight for justice in the tragic shooting case of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, his death reminds how racism, gun violence and abuses in authority have led to similar situations. Hip-Hop Wired takes a look back at some other unfortunate occurrences that eerily echo what happened in Sanford, FL nearly […]