
Instances of police brutality have been at an epic high this year, with cops seemingly taking the law into their own hands with every opportunity given. In another instance of  abuse backed by the shield, officer Ryan Smith of Michigan has formally been suspended after tasing a defenseless man. Officer Smith’s in-dash camera captured the […]


Officer John McCalister has found himself under investigation by Oakwood after video surfaced of the off-duty officer assaulting a seemingly innocent man while both were inside a local Rite Aid. The incident started as nothing more than a verbal altercation but quickly spiraled out of control after fists started flying. Even more disturbing, Officer McCalister […]


40-Year-old double leg amputee, Greg Williams, found himself an unwitting victim of police brutality, as the wheelchair bound man shockingly became a victim of police brutality. Merced County Police Department of Merced County California has tasked their Internal Affairs Division with investigating the incident which saw two police officers, both white, taze the wheelchair-bound man. […]


Nearly a month after the acquittal of three young men beaten by Philadelphia police, their aggressors meet the same fate. Eight disgraced members of Philadelphia’s finest were found not guilty, via the opinion of a grand jury, in a racially charged trial that questioned whether the men used excessive force to subdue three young men […]

With the sharp rise of police brutality and misconduct that has been occurring, the NAACP has found a way to utilize technology to report such instances and take necessary steps forward in ceasing this ongoing epidemic. A survey in January composed of U.S. emergency physicians showed that 97.8 % believed that excessive force by police […]