
The primeras are out, the Serbian connect is starting to lose faith in Tommy, and Dre got “fired” so he could walk away completely, shattering Tommy’s whole operation. Ordering a hit on Kanan is when I’d advise Dre to chill. Kanan  channeled his inner Jason Bourne to survive the hit. No amount of talking will save Dre from Kanan’s wrath. Hope his daughter is somewhere safe!

Tommy’s quest for clean money for the drug re-up showed how dangerous “Crack Tommy” is to himself and others. When Tommy is infused with booger sugar energy, his decision become rash. This brother sees the goal and nothing else. Keisha won’t fall for the rekindle with Tommy in exchange for cleaning money at her salon. Tommy and Ghost argue again over their past transgressions. That coked-up headbutt Tommy delivered to Ghost was HILARIOUS! I wish it were that simple to get a check from anyone. For someone who hates manipulation, Tommy uses emotions and personal relationships to get whatever he needs. With Tommy back on the rock, an abundance of mistakes will be made.

Councilman Tate showed his true colors this week, asking Ghost to bankroll a “community liaison” after Tate successfully argued in Ghost’s favor to get more ownership of the joint Venture with Stern. Nothing is for free, especially in politics. Does that make Tate dirty, or just a normal bureaucrat? So Ghost has to finesse that relationship with Tate and Stern. Fighting wars on multiple fronts isn’t ideal, but if anyone can handle it, it’s Ghost.


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