
Ninja was really feeling himself a tad bit too much. Yesterday while streaming a session of Fortnite with a buddy, popular Twitcher Tyler “Ninja” Blevins made the bonehead error of saying the dreaded N’word and was immediately put on blast for it.


RPG fans need a good fix? Well, Square Enix got you, the company announced today they bringing one of the most popular RPG franchises of all time in Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age back to the states exclusively for PlayStation 4 and Steam.


We are truly in some scary times. 8,000 city of Atlanta workers has finally got the okay to turn back on their computers on Tuesday. A notorious hacker group crippled the city last week Thursday, by launching a vicious cyberattack on it and holding it ransom.


Call of Duty: WWII is keeping the momentum going. Today Activision announced DLC pack 2, The War Machine that will have players taking the battle to locations such as Egypt, Dunkirk, a secret German V-2 rocket facility and of course another exciting chapter in the Nazi Zombies mode.


Tinfoil hat wearers who have been warning people about big brother watching you through your phone might be saying “I told you so.” A Facebook user discovered that the social media giant has been keeping extensive records about texts and calls he made on his Android smartphone. Facebook admits to the behavior but says it […]


When it comes to traveling we value convenience as well as safety and security. No one likes to wait on long TSA lines, crowded waiting areas or “invasive scanning” so Monday, Delta announced they will be rolling out biometric scanners at their lounges across the country.


The reports of Apple introducing a cheaper version of their iPad were indeed true. Today at their education event at Lane Tech College in Chicago, Apple with the help of CEO, Tim Cook pulled the lid off the $329 iPad 9.7. They also announced a discounted iPad with Apple Pencil support for schools. 


Haven’t jumped on the Fortnite bandwagon yet? Well, what are you waiting for? Fortnite is definitely the hottest game on the market and it just broke another record.


Fitbit wants to reclaim the top spot in the global wearable market. The introduction of their newest smartwatch the Versa might be the step in the direction towards wearable tech dominance for the company. 


Desiigner won’t be wishing for a burner come tomorrow. He will get a chance to take down everyone walking when he picks up the sticks to play the highly anticipated game Far Cry 5  and interact with fans when he joins Xbox Live Sessions tomorrow, March 27th.


Notorious Flat Earther (not named Kyrie Irving or B.O.B)  “Mad” Mike Hughes is the only person deserving to be called “Rocketman”. After numerous delays, Hughes finally proved his haters wrong and launched himself some 1,875 feet into the sky with a steam-powered rocket with “RESEARCH FLAT EARTH” plastered on it without incident or serious injury on […]


Apple is pretty much king when it comes to the tech world, now they are looking to take over another space and that is Hollywood. It looks like they are will to spare no expense in their latest venture and are recruiting some big names in hopes they can get the ball rolling by next […]