News, Politics

The Trump campaign will take whoever they can in their ranks. Case in point, the guy seen holding up a “Blacks For Trump” sign is part of cult that thinks Barack Obama is the antichrist. 

News, Politics, Video

“What do you have to lose,” has been Donald Trump’s struggle plea for the Black vote on multiple occasions. Only everything is the answer, and that’s the theme that’s been flipped into a song by The Philosopher’s Stone; Gabriel “Asheru” Benn, Wayna and DJ Roddy Rod.

News, Video

Sabrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin, offered a bold declaration at a Hillary Clinton rally in North Carolina this past weekend.

News, Politics, Video

Tom Hanks applied his award-winning acting chops to the best of his ability and channeled a hilarious character meant to embody the supporters of Donald Trump‘s presidential race. During a skit segment titled “Black Jeopardy,” Hanks made the most of the moment and nailed the impersonation with ease.

News, Politics, Video

There is nothing funny about Donald Trump. This was evident at the annual Al Smith dinner, a charity even where presidential candidates are supposed to drop self-deprecating jokes for laughs, but where Cheeto Jesus managed to get booed, repeatedly. 

News, Streets Is Talkin'

Donald Trump keeps giving the public rope to hang him with. The Republican presidential nominee’s final debate performance has sparked a new hashtag.

EDITORIAL, News, Politics

Donald Trump calling a Hillary Clinton a “nasty woman” is one of the most far reaching soundbites from last night’s final presidential debate. The short statement illustrated vividly that Cheeto Jesus is a raging misogynist. 

News, President Obama

Donald Trump continues to pull out all the stops on his quest to turn the 2016 presidential race into The Jerry Springer Show.  His latest surprise guest at tonight’s debate is none other than President Barack Obama’s Kenya-born half-brother, Malik.

News, T.I., Video

T.I. has some interesting advice for people who are considering not voting in the 2016 Presidential election.

News, Politics, Video

Donald Trump finally succeeded at something other than talking reckless, exposing his desire to grab vaginas and taking a dive in the polls. Cheeto Jesus made both Barack Obama and Bill O’Reilly agree on something—that Donald Trump needs to stop whining.

GALLERY, News, Politics, The List

The Donald Trump campaign pulled out the big guns to prove their candidate isn’t a cretin—his wife. This turned into a fail after Melania Trump’s interview with Anderson Cooper on CNN proved her to be a profound headass, allegedly. 


Suspected racist and sexual assaulter Donald Trump tried to earn some points by kissing a little Black girl at his most recent rally. She looked traumatized.Â